Another Ernst Stavro Blofeld

Some new blue pearl markers arrived in the post last night.  Without these, I wasn’t able to do any drawing yesterday as this colour so proving to be essential in the skin tones for this collection.

I’ve had another go at Blofeld.  I wasn’t happy with the version I had, with the scar being in the wrong side of the face.  This version isn’t that great to tell you the truth – you can see where I’ve overdosed a bit on black at the end in an attempt to rescue a drawing that wasn’t going anywhere.  So the black’s one problem.  The asymmetric top half of the head is another.  And then there’s the green background which I chose to be different to the other drawings in the collection but which doesn’t seem to fit well with this portrait.
I might need to do a third Blofeld before pulling this collection together.

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