Annual Self Portrait 2021

As the drawing seems to be going well at the moment, what better time for a self portrait? Ā I’ve decided that I need to do a self portrait every year and that this will be my 2021 effort. Ā I’ve changed the name of my last self portrait, labelling it as my 2020 self portrait.

I started with some contour drawing, being especially careful with the eyes, which is where I started. Ā This is a change from last year when I started from the shape between the far cheek and the nose, on advice from Betty Edwards. Ā  After the drawing was down, I added colour using some impressionistic hues that I could see in the photo I was working from. Ā Which reminds me – this was working from a photo rather than a mirror, so this must be what I really look like.
I’m happy with how this turned out – the colours are generally great. Ā I’m not keen on the background green though. Ā I originally added background colour so I could paint some negative white hair on the back of my head. Ā But I didnā€™t like the resulting white shape, so added some grey. Ā This meant I didn’t really need the green background. Ā If it were possible, I’d remove the background and leave it white. Ā I’d probably remove the neck too.
Anyway, not bad. Ā I’m still not sure whether I prefer this year’s or last year’s – they’re very different.

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