And That’s Why I’m Going To Make You An Offer

Next up is Peter Jones.

I went for a blue colour scheme to match his whistle: blue pearl, then sky blue, then indigo blue.  The sky blue died while I was using it; once I became aware this was happening I made sure I used it Forst in all those areas where the indigo blue wasn’t going to go over the top.
I did do some fiddling at the end of this one but this was all about trying to replicate better the shapes that the Artist Assist App recommended rather than trying to improve on the app.
I don’t think Peter came out as well as Deborah.  When I compare the two, he looks less like a photo and more like a cartoon.  Still, he’s definitely good enough and I’m confident that the collection when viewed as a whole will feed energy to each other and look great.  But that will be a few days away.  I’m going to stop here for today and get back to reading my book.

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