
After that last disaster, a quick response.  Figure drawing with the inktense pencils is much less risky than portraiture, so I went on to and found a photo of a model called AnaIv that looked interesting.

And here’s my interpretation.  The colours are great but what I really like is some of the lines on the body. The centre line down the chest, the line from the shoulder down to the right breast, the creases below the right breast.  These are a result of a new strategy I tried out that I need to remember to keep using.  When it came to painting water over the pencils, I painted in those lines first.  Then when I came to paint over everything else, I generally steered away from those areas so as not to disturb the lines.

I also outlined the figure afterwards in indigo and then went around the outside with water, allowing only a little colour from the figure leak outwards.

The biggest mistake I made was to include the support straps in the drawing.  This would have looked so much better with them left out.

Anyway, if you’re only as good as your last painting, I’m a much better artist now than I was a couple of hours ago.  Anaiv is up for sale.

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