Adrina In Inktense Pencil

After that last painting, I wanted to have another go at painting Adrina in this pose, so it was back to the inktense pencils.  It’s quite good painting indoors while it’s so hot outside and while the local pub has live music playing.

For colours, I started with willow in the darkest places then added baked earth in some middle value places, remembering for once that baked earth is a light orange rather than a dark orangey brown.  And, because I thought this left things looking a bit brown, I added some leaf green in the darkest places, hoping this would add a little colour to the browns.  I normally like to add reds and greens but was feeling a bit coloured out after this morning’s painting.
I’m reasonably happy with the final result.  I’ve left plenty of white, including some missing edges.  What I have of the face isn’t a disaster.  But maybe I need to be a bit heavier with the willow in future.  Or use bark instead.  Those darks aren’t as dark as I’d like them to be.  Anyway, this one’s up for sale and I feel like I’ve done Adrina justice now.

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