Today's dragon is Touker Suleyman, a big favourite of mine. He's been given the grey…

Don’t tell me that you didn’t see this one coming. On this week’s Dragons Den there will be a sixth dragon and six is a much better number for a collection of portraits than five. So here’s the sixth dragon, Gary Neville. If you don’t understand the name of this painting, ask a football fan.
The colour scheme for this one was always going to be based around red. I wanted to use rose pink as the first colour but the marker died really quickly and I wanted this collection finished before 8pm on Thursday night, so there wasn’t time to order a replacement marker and I abandoned my first effort. So I went for coral as the first colour. It’s the darkest of my flesh colours and had already been used for Steven Bartlett, so my plan to use eighteen different colours in six portraits with no colour used in more than one painting were scuppered. The second layer was Ruby and the third was initially amethyst. But when amethyst didn’t look that dark on the third layer I went over it with cold grey 4. And, yes, that colour gap has already been used in the Touker painting.
Still, it’s a decent final portrait. There’s maybe a little bit of Ryan Giggs to it, but there’s a lot more of Gary there.
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