So, after all that swatching, here's my first go with theĀ ShireĀ supergranulating colours. Ā I trekked a…

A Cold Day In Newington
I was approached by our local vicar the other day. As well as being vicar in Hartlip, he’s also vicar in the neighbouring village of Newington. Anyway, they’re planning some sort of church tea in Newington in August and he’s looking into the possibility of having a few stalls set up there to bring in more people and to hopefully raise some money for the church. Would I be interested in setting up a stand there with some paintings of Newington? Well, yeah.
I think I need at least six paintings on display to get any credibility, so I’ve made a start today. Iām wondering whether a set of posterised paintings might be interesting. I have nine different colour schemes that I could use if I count the traffic light and climate change triple schemes, so I could have a go at one in each scheme. I might still get bored and revert to more conventional watercolour painting or to different media but we’ll see.
First up today is a view of the A2 using the supergranulators. Most of my News from landscapes will probably be views of the church or of the A2 and the A2 is all I normally see of Newington, so I thought I’d start there. As usual, tundra pink went down over the light, medium and dark areas, then tundra blue over the medium areas and tundra violet over the dark. But there were also three layers of masking fluid today: one at the beginning to mask out some whites, one after the first to mask out links and one after the second to mask out some blues. Oh, and I did the sky before everything else, wetting it, then dropping in the pink where the Notanizer app told me to, then dropping in some tundra violet wherever I thought it might look good.
I really like how this one turned out. I can feel the cold in those Tundra colours, while also feeling the warmth of the sun on that building on the left that used to be the Inglenook restaurant. There’s also that feeling of this being based on. Really old photo despite there being no sepia harmed in the production of this painting. There will be people out there who are I aware of the Schminke supergranulators who will hail the colours in here as genius.
This one was sold at the Newington church tea.
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