Month: June 2024

Porto City Hall Tower

Today's painting is the second, after The Transfer, to be inspired by a photo taken by my mate Olly on his recent holiday in Portugal. Whisper it,...

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The Tatra Mountains, Slovakia

More watercolour! More European mountains! More Slovakia? No. Let me stop you there. These mountains are in Slovakia; yesterdays were in...

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Julijske Alpe, Slovenia

Back to watercolours today. I've played all the Grateful Dead in the box of CDs that currently sits in my studio, so I won't be jamming with the...

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The Lane That Ran East And West

After seeing none of my portraits selling at the Upchurch art & craft exhibition over the weekend, discussing a couple of landscape exhibiting...

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John Henry Holliday

Yeah, June is taking a while to get started and I've gone for another easy option. It's a posterised portrait and, not only that, I've pretty well...

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The Transfer

Today's painting is based on a photo taken by an old friend Olly while (I believe) on holiday in Portugal. He did it had an Edward Hopper feel to...

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June's started slowly, just like every month. And, as is usual when I'm a little short of match practice, I'm coming back with a figure painting....

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The Man Who Found Out

After fixing a load of charcoal paintings the other day, I was in the mood for some charcoal action but took the day off yesterday to have another...

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