Month: November 2023

Roy Wood

With one page left in my rough watercolourpaper block and that page starting to come away at the edges, I wanted to do another watercolour today...

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Ellie’s Spot

I've done another painting of Queendown Warren today.  This isa bench that I walk past pretty well every day.  If it's been raining a lot, I go for...

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Since reading the Douglas Graves book, I've been intending to try out some figure drawing with the charcoal. I got around to it today with...

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Roughtor, Dartmoor

Tempting though it is to keep painting portraits and figures, I do need to keep up the landscapes, ready for LAOTY of I make into a pod or the...

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Joe Strummer

I'm back from the Upchurch art exhibition now and my studio's all back to normal.  I only sold the one painting, The Happiest Days Of Our Lives...

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I'm back on the Artrafs today, aware of my promise from last time to hold back on the blue and not make the darks too dark. So here goes.  It's a...

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Back on the Artgrafs today, and I'm painting Ameeka for the first time. I thought I’d try replicating the success of  Thea 5 by using the exact...

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H2 Artistic Actuary Poll

It's time for my next art poll.  After eliminating a load of clunkers from my last six months of output I'm left with 51 works, which is about the...

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The Corbomite Manouver Collection

And here they are, all together.  Spock, Kirk and Scotty.  None of them brilliant individual paintings but as a set of three I think they look...

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First Officer Spock

I know I said I might not end up completing the Corbomite Manouver Collection but after putting Kirk and Scotty alongside each other I could see...

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Venus And The Petrova Line

I'm back on the planets again and today it's Venus.  It took me a long time to come up with an idea about how to make a painting of Venus a bit...

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Mick Fleetwood

You know what?  I did end up finding a photo of Mick Fleetwood that would make a great portrait.  It was a pretty monochrome photo and was close to...

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Still not feeling the watercolours so today's an Artgraf day.  It's also a day of experimentation because I've bought a hot pressed watercolour...

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I was feeling watercoloured out today and in the mood for a different medium, so went for the oil pastels.  I wanted to draw a portrait and was...

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