Month: October 2023

Captain James Tiberius Kirk

Today I had a go at the second in The Corbomite Manouver collection.  Today it's Captain Kirk, painted using the Shire supergranulators, befitting...

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The Sandstone Kagoule

I really shouldn’t be painting on Mondays.  Monday is housework day and after I've had breakfast, done the housework, finished my daily four mile...

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Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott

Sometimes great ideas come into my head on my daily walks.  Today was one of those days.  Earlier this year I put together The Good The Bad and the...

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After a bit of a break, I'm back on the planets again.  Today it's Uranus.  All eight planets revolve around the sun in roughly the same plane and...

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Thea 5

Today's been quite a short day but, with England playing cricket tomorrow, I didn't want to take what would be two days off, so I went for a quick...

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Upchurch Art Exhibition 2023

This year's Upchurch art exhibition takes place at St Mary's Church between Friday 17th and Sunday 19th November (11am to 4pm, 10 to 4, 10 to 1)...

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Sir Bobby Charlton

Sorry everybody.  I screwed up today.  Rather than doing a fourth portrait in a row I should have switched back to painting planets.  I need to...

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John Lydon

I wasn’t planning on doing a watercolour today but I found a photo of John Lydon that was just begging to be painted in Liz Chaderton style.  In...

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B. B. King

Today's not a day for watercolours.  I tend to do watercolours in bursts of 2-4 successive days and with yesterday being a charcoal day and...

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Donald Trump

I took a break from the planets today.  A charcoal painting is long overdue and I thought I'd have a go at a charcoal portrait for the first time....

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Today's planet is Mercury, sharing its name with the messenger of the Roman gods and therefore deserving of a pair or wings.  For the three colours...

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The Face Of Mars

Another day, another planet.  My latest idea for planet paintings (to go with the ideas of random surrealness and Roman gods) is to think about...

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Monday's housework day and BBC2 quiz night so tends not to be a proper painting day.  But after a couple of days off I thought I'd better have a go...

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This is the second in my series of paintings of the planets and today it's Neptune.  There was a question on University Challenge the other week...

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The Wishlist

No time to do any painting today but with an empty thirty minutes window going begging, I thought I'd create this post. These are the 24 art books...

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Jupiter And Io

Seventeen days since my last watercolour and I'm finally back.  The idea for this one popped into my head while out on my walk yesterday.  I've no...

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Eric Clapton, 1970

I've had loads of chores to do Sunday and Monday, leaving only a couple sessions available for painting.  So I went for a coloured pencil portrait...

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Lumen F In Artgraf

The day's not over and I have gone for one more painting!  While my mind was still in the zone I thought I'd do that second Artgraf painting, this...

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The builders have finished work today and I have access to the studio again.  After a break of a couple of weeks, I was expecting my first couple...

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