Month: May 2023

Jennifer Evie

I wasn’t in the mood for a long day of painting today, so decided to have another go at a figure drawing with the inktense pencils while the...

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Garrow Farm, Bodmin Moor

So here's the painting I've been busy with over the last couple of days.  It's a deserted farmhouse on a Bodmin Moor, a scene that's been in my...

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Coloured Pencil Full Swatch

It's all go at the moment.  We've got someone coming in on Tuesday to replace all the doors and windows in the house, which means not much time for...

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A Bit Of Wood

So what have you painted today?  A tree.  What have you called it?  A Bit Of Wood - it's the name of an Alg…. Is it an interesting composition?...

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A Victim Of Higher Space

I enjoyed painting the foreground in that last painting so much that I decided to go straight into another painting afterwards.  So I reached for...

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Looking At You

So here it is.  I've finally gotten around to using the second of the shelves I helped myself to when the in laws threw out that old fridge.  The...

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Some more gear arrived in the this this morning, so I'm taking a day off painting to prepare some surfaces for future paintings.  I have here: –...

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Stirling Castle

I was flicking through the Tony Smibert book this morning looking for inspiration for two forthcoming eye on the other side of the glass paintings....

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Hever Castle

With the whole day available for painting today, I've finally completed a watercolour in the studio.  Without wanting to take much time planning, I...

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Well this is something new.  I'm writing up a painting before I've taken a photo because it's being left to dry overnight and seems to still be...

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Daniella Taking A Break

So, yeah, tonight was the night to christen the art studio.  But, what with one thing and another, it wasn't until about 7pm that I finally got the...

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The New Studio

Two posts tonight.  Let's do this one first.  The big news is that I've moved into my art studio and it's ready for me to use.  Local firm AF...

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The news just came through.  After not making it to Portrait Artist Of The Year or into a pod on Landscape Artist Of The Year, I've completed the...

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Jerry Garcia

I had a chance to do some painting today, so thought I'd better take it.  This was painted in the garden, but the original drawing went down at my...

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Landscape Artist Of The Year Dates

Work continues on the art studio.  An electrician is out there at the moment, sorting the fuse box, light switches, mains sockets and internal and...

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Art Studio Getting There

There's been a lot of garden action today.  The walls, roof, doors and windows have all gone up.  The builders will be back again tomorrow to...

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Hoodoo In The Chinle Formation

Afternoon all.  First, the obligatory opening paragraph for this time of year.  A big hello if you're here trying to decide whether to invite me...

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Art Studio Foundations

The builders have been round today to put in the foundations for my art studio.  I was only expecting them to putting the piles but they've also...

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