Year: 2023

2023: Year Of The Portrait

So that was 2023.  I think I can safely say 2023 was the year of the portrait. After reading the Bill Maughan book in March, something clicked big...

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Glazed Balls

My year end painting hiatus is still on but swatching doesn't count as painting in my book and there's an experiment that I've been meaning to try...

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New Books

Happy Christmas everybody. Unwrapping is over.  I'm now making my way through my job list: - squash up all the wrapping paper and put it in the...

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The 2023 Artistic Actuary Video

The 2023 Artistic Actuary video is now ready.  It's too big to load up onto this website but you can see it at Almost...

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The Shard

It feels as if the big year end winddown has started.  This will be my final painting of the year but probably not my final post.  It's based on a...

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This is Tracey, a friend of the family.  She dabbles in painting herself and gave us. Painting of our dog Ruby last Christmas and it's been at the...

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Artist Assist App

I discovered something new today, thanks to Liron Yankonsky's YouTube channel.  It's the Artist Assist App.  It seems to be a website at the moment...

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Annual Self Portrait 2024

So at last I've finally done a self portrait in watercolour.  I was in the mood for supergranulators today and picked out the tundra set. I...

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The Under The Desk Collection

Well, I can tell you that I will definitely be entering for Portrait Artist Of The Year again this time around.  Because, even if I don't have any...

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Under The Desk IV

And that's the Under The Desk collection completed.  For the colour scheme I chose the grey markers, putting down some vague value shapes and then...

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Under The Desk III

Here's the third in the under the desk collection.  Today The main two colours were my light and dark green.  Just as with the previous two...

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Under The Desk II

Look, I'm allowed to change my mind, OK?  Yesterday's portrait grew on me and Monday tends to be a short day, so I thought I'd continue with the...

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Under The Desk I

Applications for Portrait Artist Of The Year need to be in by the end of January, so I thought I'd better make a start on the 2024 self portrait...

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New Court In Fineliner And Artgraf

I was hunting around on YouTube the other day for demonstrations of people using Artgraf blocks.  What I really wanted to see was people drawing...

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Chris Robinson

This is Chris Robinson, vocalist and occasional harmonica or guitar player in The Chris Robinson Brotherhood and The Black Crowes and master of dad...

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H2 2023 Poll Results

Well, I've had 17 responses to the latest poll and I think responses have dried up.  I'll leave it open, along with all my previous polls but I'm...

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