Month: January 2022

The Listener

My Dad's had a new kitchen fitted.  When I dropped in to see him, I rescued a bunch of old kitchen shelves from a skip in the drive with the...

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I did say that Jean Haines had inspired me to go out and paint animals.  And three days after the book was published, I've painted our cavalier...

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Nicole Vaunt

It's still too cold to be painting outside so I'm on the inktense pencils again.  Today's model is Nicole, making her debut. Because it's so cold...

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The Whisperers

With those two jobs out of the way, I was ready to kick off my painting for 2022.  Be warned though, my first watercolour of the year is never...

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The 18-Colour 2022 Palette

My second job was to load up the Mijello palette that I got for Christmas.  It roughly follows colour wheel order but I've been careful to save the...

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Testing Out New Colours

It didn’t look too cold outside today so I was out of excuses.  It was time to get outside with the watercolours and start painting again.  But...

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It's still too cold outside to go back to watercolours (Sunday looks promising) so I'm back with the inktense pencils today.  Today's model is...

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Rhus’ Back

After all that fun with the markers, I thought I really should get back to doing some proper painting with the inktense pencils.  Today I'm back to...

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The On The Buses Collection

And here's the complete collection. Mum does stand out a bit, to be honest, but remember that sixth portrait doubles up as Mum and Happy Harry. ...

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Mabel Edith Butler

And here it is, the final piece in the On The Buses collection.  It's Mum, played by the late Doris Hare.  And, yes, I know, I've cheated here by...

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Stan Butler

Number five in the On The Buses collection is Stan Butler, played by the late Reg Varney, equally famous for being the first person ever to use a...

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Olive Rudge

Number four in the On The Buses collection is Olive, played by Anna Karen. Recognisable but not a great likeness.  That's starting to become the...

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Jack Harper

Number three in the On The Buses Collection is Jack Harper, played by the late Bob Grant.  This one has taken a while as my black marker and the...

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