Year: 2022

‘Andles For Forks

And here's today's second painting.  It's Candle as the model again and this is her fourth appearance.  This time it's my second attempt at using...

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Candle In Oil Pastel

I'm not in the mood at the moment to take my time and come up with perfect paintings.  I'm feeling loose and energetic and wanting to rattle off...

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Christmas Art Stash 2022

Happy holidays everyone! I thought I'd put up here all the new art gear I've been gifted today as it's a bit of a sneak preview of what to expect...

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Steps Up From The Street, Hartlip

The World Cup is over and there's only four days to go to Christmas.  It's hard not to switch to wind down mode and watch Westerns all day but I do...

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William Shatner

It's been a long time since my last post but I've finally got to a day with no Christmas shopping, university pickups or doctor/dentist/optician...

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Nasser Hussain

More cricket portraiture with  the markers today.  I'm going to continue with cricket portraits until I have a complete balanced team together, or...

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Adil Rashid

My third successive cricket portrait and they've all been in different media.  Today it's the first outing for markers since last winter.  I picked...

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Jos Buttler

Look, I'm still in the mood for cricket portraits and with England due to play Pakistan in the World T20 Final on Sunday morning, I thought I'd...

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Sir Ian Botham

I've been watching more Liz Chaderton videos on YouTube. She's been busy with portraits throughout November and there was one yesterday where she...

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Felicia, Blinded

So I finished reading Masterful Color and was ready to put some of its ideas into practice.  Today's model is Felicia, making her fourth...

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Neil McCarthy

Neil McCarthy (1932-1985) was one of those actors everyone recognises but whose name nobody knows. I saw him in an episode of Some Mothers Do 'Ave...

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Stephanie R

I'm finding it hard at the moment to get the time to paint but I'm determined to take advantage of any opportunities that come my way.  I'm not...

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Another house in the village but this time I've not been approached by the owners to paint it.  This one's a housewarming gift.  The guy that's had...

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Number Eighteen

I was approached a week or two ago by a guy on the village who said he'd be interested in buying a painting of his house if I ever did one.  I...

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