Year: 2021

The Graduate

It's been eleven days since my last piece of work but with the sun out and some chores out of the way, the gazebo's back up in the garden and I'm...

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Hartlip Church In Oil Pastel

More practice drawing with the oil pastels today.  As I've got landscape colours, I thought I'd better have a go at a landscape, this time using...

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Logical Right Eye

And so straight on to the right eye.  The same techniques as I used for the left eye.  Whereas with watercolours and to a lesser extent inktense...

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Artistic Left Eye

It seems the best way to learn how to use oil pastels is to watch videos on YouTube.  Today I watched Scrooge The Profit describing the rule of...

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Oil Pastel Testing

I learned a lesson from my first time using watercolours, markers and inktense pencils.  And that lesson was not to attempt a masterpiece first...

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Oil Pastels!

It's my birthday and the front page headline on stash news is that I’m going to be trying out oil pastels.  The wife bought me a set of 24...

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Cliffside Tree, Queendown Warren

I've been meaning for a couple of weeks to head out and do some plein air painting.  After a thunderstorm yesterday, the weather felt cooler and...

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A Desert Episode

In that last painting, Six Ways To Look At The Moon, I was so pleased with how the bottom left subpainting turned out that I thought I'd have a go...

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Six Ways To Look At The Moon

I'm a bit short of ideas for watercolours at the moment.  Maybe I need to wander around the village again but only if I'm prepared to put in some...

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JenB, Sitting

It's absolutely roasting outside.  I promise never again to claim it's too cold outside to paint.  But this weather!  Too hot, too sweaty and too...

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Yesterday's paintings were bad.  To help me find some form, I thought I'd look for some precarious rocks. I managed to find Kjeragbolten, which is...

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King Street, Cambridge

So here's today's second painting.  I'm prepared to put the first one down as a warmup but this one needs to be better.  It's another view of New...

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Back to painting today after a bit of a break for rain and football.  I've done two paintings today but it's been a while, so don't expect a...

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Gregg Allman

There was no way I was going to stop at Cher, so I moved on to Gregg.  I wanted something that would contrast Cher's chiaroscuro against a coloured...

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Before I head back to watercolours tomorrow, I thought I really should give the marker pens a quick go.  So I googled for black and white celebrity...

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