Month: May 2021


Inktense pencils are just too much fun to draw with, so here's another.  It's a debut for Margaret.  I've cropped her so I get no hands or feet. ...

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Kevin At The Interview

It's too hot outside today: watercolour paint will dry far too quickly.  So I'm indoors with the inktense pencils. It's back to one of my...

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Glean a’Chroin

I felt inspired by one of the subpaintings in my last post (The Joy Of Six).  It was the one in the bottom right. Winsor Orange and Indigo are like...

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The Joy Of Six

I'm normally pretty good at restricting the number of colours in my paintings but sometimes I just need to let go and throw everything down.  This...

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Annual Self Portrait 2021

As the drawing seems to be going well at the moment, what better time for a self portrait?  I've decided that I need to do a self portrait every...

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Ten Greatest Chess Players

Continuing to experiment, today I'm trying two new approaches with the new drawing technique: multiple portraits crammed together and combining...

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Jimi Hendrix

I have two watercolour blocks here, so straight after drawing Neil Young (and before painting him) I grabbed my other block and drew Jimi Hendrix....

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Neil Young

Dear oh dear.  After the successes of Duane and Big Sam, I felt confident enough to have a go at this style of drawing on watercolour paper and...

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Duane Allman & Sam Allardyce

I'm going to try out something new this morning.  I'm going to start with a Charles Reid style contour drawing.  He recommends starting from the...

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Michael, Kneeling

There really needs to be a Sky Naked Figure Drawing Of The Year program.  I'm sure I could make a decent crack of it.  Inktense pencils are the...

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Raiders Of The Lost Ark

This was quite quick to paint but took me all day to plan, so let's talk about planning first.  I've had an idea for a while about doing a painting...

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Orchard Lea, Hartlip

Someone in the village asked me if I'd be interested in painting her house.  I gave her my standard answer, which is that I don't do commissions...

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Ben Talks Football

Portraits with markers always come in pairs.  After that Tommy Cooper effort, I wasn't feeling confident enough to draw someone famous, so I headed...

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Tommy Cooper

I've not had the markers out for a while and it's raining outside, so I'm having a go at a couple of portraits today.  I'm not convinced by my last...

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This run of village paintings is all very well but if I don't vary things around a bit, I'll settle into a rut and never get any better.  So I...

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Footpath, Lower Hartlip Road

Back to the painting after a few days' break.  This is another scene from the village.  Follow that footpath up the hill over the field and you...

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Archway Into Hartlip Church

Enough of these village houses!  I wanted to paint some stones, so it's back to the church to paint this archway again. I first drew the archway...

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