Year: 2020

Inktense Pencil Swatching

It's looking grim outside, so I thought I'd try out those inktense pencils.  It's hard to make a mess with these, so I think I’m OK with them in...

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Palette Cleaning And Setup

Actually, my sister messed up and ended up buying me two of those Winsor & Newton Professional 24 half pan palettes.  So I've thrown away my...

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Birthday Stash 3 of 3: New Books

Two more books just arrived in the post.  That makes eight in my birthday stash and there may be a ninth on the way in a couple of weeks but I...

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Stockbury Church

Time for a new experience.  To get some practice in (just in case I make it on to Landscape Artist Of The Year as a wildcard) I thought I'd better...

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And I’m Thumper!

Today's subject is Thumper from Diamonds Are Forever, played by actress Trina Parks.  In this shot, Trina adopts what must be one of the greatest...

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Christ’s College, Cambridge

I've still not given up hope of being invited into Sky Landscape Artist Of The Year as a wildcard, so with that competition likely to be focused on...

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Lancashire Sunset

Today's painting was inspired by a photo by a guy called Brandon Lee Keefe of a sunset from St Peter's Church in Hersham.  I say inspired rather...

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(Two Of) The Hateful Eight

I thought it was about time I went back to my most popular series of paintings, the abstractified Westerns.  Today, I found a still from The...

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Marker Portraits Poll Results

So here are the results of my latest poll. Only a handful of surprises there.  Bernardine Evaristo did better than I expected, James Coburn and...

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The Glamour Of The Snow

I thought a bit of watercolour painting was overdue, so I've been out there this morning running off this little number.  The thunder started as I...

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Eli Wallach

Today on Portrait Artist Of The Week It was Clare Balding.  I didn’t rate my chances of doing Clare justice so I've instead headed back to The...

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Marker Portraits Poll

It's time for another poll, this time on my marker drawings. If you have a couple of minutes to spare (honestly, that's all it takes) please could...

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The Magnificent Seven

  And here's the set all together.  I actually think they work well as a collection.  They all have something different to bring to the party, just...

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