Year: 2020

Thinking Jenni

A second appearance for Jenni, drawn using violet, light blue, deep indigo, fuchsia and sherbet lemon.  Those violet and indigo pencils are going...

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Michael Clarke Duncan

Ok, so there was still time left in the day for a portrait with the markers.  The Daredevil film was on the telly the other day and I couldn't help...

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A late start in the painting today, so this will be the only one unless I decide to get the markers out and do a portrait.  Today's model is...

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Brie, Relaxed

You know me - when it comes to this figure drawing, I like to do two in a day.  This time, the model is Brie, someone I've drawn before but not...

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NMA Model 15

Today's model doesn't even have a name.  She's Model 15 from the New Masters Academy.  Great pose though. The idea behind this one was to make it...

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I Am The Eye In The Sky

So, AA, when are we going to see what you're doing with that painting of an eye from the other day? And why is it exactly that you're needing to...

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Three Days Of Snow

Back to painting again today and, for reasons that will become apparent, I wanted to get in some practice at snow paintings.  So I looked through...

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Annie Mac

Portrait Artist Of The Week is back.  This is supposed to be Radio 1 DJ Annie Mac.  Believe it or not, I actually knew who this was - there used to...

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All my figure drawing so far has been of naked females and there are a lot of people out there who would rather see naked male bodies, so I...

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An Eye (A Work In Progress)

Today I painted an eye.  This is part of a larger work, the full details of which I'll keep a secret for now.  I can't get any further with that...

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Aubrey, Seated

As I said in the previous post, it was time to do something different with the figure drawing rather than just turning the handle on the sausage...

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Aubrey, Standing

Back to figure drawing with the inktense pencils.  This is Aubrey. To be honest, this feels a bit lazy.  I've done so many of these figures using...

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Landscape Artist Of The Year 2021

I've got my entry in early for Landscape Artist Of The Year 2021. I needed to submit a landscape painting.  I chose Sedona, Arizona. I was...

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The Cheetah Woman

After the painting experiment two days ago that I unwrapped yesterday, I had an overnight think and decided that I was going to press ahead and...

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Another Abstract Underpainting

The markers and inktense pencils haven't really been working out for me over the last week or so, so I thought I'd better brave the cold outside...

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Back to the figure drawing and inktense pencils.  I wanted to come up with something with lots of white highlights on the flesh.  And at the same...

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Stephen Hawking

After John Paul Jones came out so well a couple of weeks ago, I wanted to have another go at drawing a portrait with markers by concentrating on...

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The second bit of figure drawing of the day.  This time it's Jenni. Back to the colours that work best for me at this sort of thing, with lots of...

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It's cold and wet outside, so no chance of any painting.  Instead, I'm indoors with the inktense pencils and plenty of Models just waiting to be...

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After that last disaster, a quick response.  Figure drawing with the inktense pencils is much less risky than portraiture, so I went on to...

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