Month: June 2020

(Two Of) The Hateful Eight

I thought it was about time I went back to my most popular series of paintings, the abstractified Westerns.  Today, I found a still from The...

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Marker Portraits Poll Results

So here are the results of my latest poll. Only a handful of surprises there.  Bernardine Evaristo did better than I expected, James Coburn and...

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The Glamour Of The Snow

I thought a bit of watercolour painting was overdue, so I've been out there this morning running off this little number.  The thunder started as I...

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Eli Wallach

Today on Portrait Artist Of The Week It was Clare Balding.  I didn’t rate my chances of doing Clare justice so I've instead headed back to The...

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Marker Portraits Poll

It's time for another poll, this time on my marker drawings. If you have a couple of minutes to spare (honestly, that's all it takes) please could...

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The Magnificent Seven

  And here's the set all together.  I actually think they work well as a collection.  They all have something different to bring to the party, just...

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And Introducing Horst Buchholz

And here's the last one in the set.  It's Horst Buchholz as Chico. I'm not sure he's instantly recognisable unless you're looking at all seven...

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The Hidden Gorilla

I've finished the experimental painting that I started on Thursday. I’ve added more watercolour.  This again is mainly Prussian blue, Indian...

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Yul Brynner

One more member of the Magnificent Seven.  It's Yul Brynner as Chris Adams.  I would say he's the coolest of the seven but I think Britt (James...

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Steve McQueen

Back to the Magnificent Seven and it's Steve McQueen as Vin Tanner. I really struggled to get. a likeness, so thought I'd have some fun with...

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Another Experiment

I've been taking another look through Ann Blockley's Watercolour Workshop over the last couple of evenings, so was in the mood for another of those...

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