Month: April 2020

My Sunset’s On Fire

See, this is what happens when I go in without a real plan.  After all that experimenting with triads, I wanted to have a go at a painting using...

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Summer Swatching

The weekends are getting warmer and, although I did some painting a couple of weeks ago, I don't think the painting season has really started until...

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Super Blood Wolf Moon

Today was going to be about bright colours.  I was still in my orange fixation but was also wanting to give the viridian another good workout.  I...

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We Will Make Them Give Us Light

After throwing my heart and soul into that last watercolour I wasn't ready to stop for the day.  I needed to "warm down" by doing something more...

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Bubble Horse Horse Bubble

It's a bank holiday, the sun's out and I'm back on the watercolours for the first time in months.  I've been pining for orange over the last couple...

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Fabiano Caruana

And here it is, the last one in the collection.  It's world number two Fabiano Caruana. I thought I'd go for a bright green background as that...

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Maxime Vachier-Lagrave

And today's second portrait is Maxime Vachier-Lagrave. A longer shot, this one, with more of the body showing (looking for variety).  The first...

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Anish Giri

It's the weekend and I'm back to drawing portraits of the with players in the FIDE Candidates tournament.  Today it's Anish Giri, a player with a...

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