Month: January 2019

Snow In The Mountains

And here's the second snowy painting of the day. Brought to you by the colours cobalt blue, quinacridone magenta, raw sienna and burnt umber.  I'm...

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Rubbish Snow Painting

There's been a bit of snow overnight so I thought I'd have a go at doing some snow painting.  In fact I did two paintings at the same time.  This is...

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I got the idea for this one from a photo I saw on Facebook of three people hiking through Valdeinfierno.  A bit of googling reveals it to be...

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I was feeling up for a challenge today, so I decided I'd do a painting that was a set of twelve random vignettes and that I'd ask friends on...

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Colourful Sky

This was based on a photo of the Aurora Borealis where the lights were all in green.  I didn't manage to get the greens right and the sky looks...

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First Gesso

Today's painting follows hot on the heels of yesterday's, mainly because I spread a load of gesso on a watercolour sheet to dry overnight.  It's my...

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SIAS Newsletter November 2018

And here's another one.  This is called SIAS Newsletter November 2018 after the email that included the stock photo this was based on.  It's getting...

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Flowers In Alexandria

My first attempt at an impressionistic flower after reading that Jean Haines book and I think it’s a decent start.  I could still be looser - the...

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